Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Shooters Perfect Xmas Gift

There is no doubt that when it comes to protecting your hearing in any shooting discipline there is one name that stands out that is Puretone's CENS® Their secret is not only to give you sound protection but their device will allow you to hear whats going on around you. Not only the social chit chat at your local clay club more importantly hearing game whilst out stalking. Here are 10 reasons why Puretone's CENS® is so popular at

1.    Ultra lightweight(6g), unobtrusive earplug
2.    Multi-softnessearpiece with super-soft silicone tip
3.    Modular DSPelectronic digital amplifier
4.    100s of colour combinationsto choose from
5.    Easy clean design,clear tip
6.    Models optimised formany shooting disciplines
7.    Individually personalised forevery user
8.    Passive filtered module option available
9.    Supplied with detailed accessory pack 
10. Tested &certified to EN352
       Don't Take chances with your Hearing
       As A Puretone Partner Nick is happy to
       discuss your personal needs. So that he
       can customize the right system for you.  
       Examination/Hearing scan is free at Nicks
       Dedicated centre call 
       Swindon 01793 530541 - 0755705357

50 Groundwell Road 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Ultimate Smart Phone Accessory

Anybody who loves their  music will enjoy these lovely custom made i-Monitors for your smart phone or   Mp3 player. With custom moulds taken at the Nick Chitty Hearing Centre. These silicone mouldings will not only fit comfortably but with the in line button you will be able to make calls while out jogging.

Custom I-Monitors

But please don't have the sound too loud !!!

As long as you promise Nick that you won't have the volume up too loud you can make an appointment at the centre for a quick examination to have custom ear impressions taken   
Call  Swindon 01793-530541       www.nickchitty.co.uk


Nick Chitty Hearing Care
Groundwell Dental Practice
50 Groundwell Road

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Hearing Aid That Thinks For Itself Resound Verso

This lady patient has been wearing her New Resound Verso hearing aids for just over week. As is customary at Nick Chitty Hearing Care we  monitor our patients quite closely after a first fit, and this allows Nick to download information from the hearing system about the hearing environments and situations the patient has been in (It does not record peoples voices). This allows us the opportunity to tailor fit the hearing system to your life style.
Data Logging of  Environments in Just 1 Week
We can see at this early stage that this lady has been in a wide number of environments, but due to the great British weather it has has been mainly quiet scenarios with some television watching involved.  Where is the "thinking bit" I hear you ask? Well the Resound Verso has two microphones in each hearing aid to pick up sound - great when its quiet, but not when you're in a noisy restaurant or a pub....this is where the magic happens. Its called 'binaurel fusion' and the next picture shows how the hearing aids have adapted to the patients sound environment

This diagram shows how the hearing aid has adapted the microphone settings in different situations. Can you see how  the bottom left hand corner image shows all microphones running 78% of the time? The top left/right and bottom right diagrams show the hearing aids have spoken to each other and changed  how they focus into important sounds in front of the patient. The patient is over the moon with the sound quality, and with seamless transition she does not notice any change to her hearing ability when the microphones change.

If you would like a Free demonstration of how this technology works. Call Nick today

50Groundwell Road

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Resound Verso Success

This gentleman came into the Nick Chitty Hearing Centre stating he had a severe hearing loss and that he didn't think it would be possible for me to help him. He was wearing two large behind the ear hearing aids occasionally when he could bear to wear the deep full molds that made his ears sore. His biggest complaint was background noise when working in his busy pub - which was probably due to the fact that he was wearing over powered hearing aids and full molds with no vents !!! 
After a full diagnostic hearing assessment, we opted to demonstrate the new Resound Verso RIC Technology with no sound  domes fitted to deliver the sound. I thought would give him the best sound quality and helping to reduce background noise

Audiogram of Patients Hearing Loss
Programming Page Resound Verso
You will notice straight away the significant reduction in gain (volume) to the target gain, and also the large headroom achieved with the feedback manger. even with no dome fitted whatsoever. This means the patient has a significant reduction in over amplified low frequency sounds and no whistling . His first comment was "After 10 years my voice does not sound like I have my head in a bucket" The patient also commented how light the hearing aids felt and couldn't believe how something so small could deliver such sound quality. When I rang the patient to see how things were going his comment to me was "I am happy to come in for my check up but promise me you wont change the sound quality"  

Interested in the latest Hearing Aid Technology to reduce background noise?
Call  Nick  01793-530541

Nick Chitty Hearing Care
50 Groundwell Road

Hopi Candle Danger

I know it must sound tempting. you know your ear is blocked with wax.And you see an advert on the internet for a old  American Indian remedy (dis-proven). Its a card board tube you stick in your ear. and set light to the other end!!. 

The trouble is without a health care professional looking in your ear you dont no the amount or depth of the wax. Any regular viewers  to my Nick Chitty YouTube channel will tell you what you see and what comes out can be 2 different things. In Canada its use is banned for medical use.
" Canadian government consider that there is no reasonable non-medical use, "

Check this  video from the Ear wax Removal video Nick chitty 

Channel to see the 

potential harm that can be done

check the facts  Wikipedia 

Free Ear Wax Examination 01793 530541

Nick Chitty Hearing Care
50 Groundwell Road 
Sn1 2Lu

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hearing Aid Care at Nick Chitty Hearing Care

It's always disappointing to see new patients come in with hearing aids they have paid a lot of their hard earned money for, that haven't been serviced properly. At Nicks dedicated center we have equipment specifically designed to not only deep clean hearing aids but with a proper care plan will increase the life of a hearing system. At Nick Chitty Hearing Care  all hearing aids are stripped to their component parts where possible.

Using a high power microscope Nick will  micro suction any debris that may have built up in all those nooks and crannies a patient can't get to; whilst also checking for any corrosion that may be on the battery contacts. When all microphones, receivers, acoustic horns, battery contacts have been cleaned. The hearing aid is then placed in a vacuum chamber for 4 minutes  to remove moisture which has built up due to the humid environment the device lives in. This is especially important for small custom built hearing aids.

Once it has been deep cleaned the aid is reassembled and all filters are replaced, where possible. Nick believes that completing this thorough aftercare check every 4 months is the best way to look after any hearing aid, which is why if you have purchased a hearing system with Nick, you'll get this thorough service free of charge as part of his 5 year care plan. If you have a hearing aid from somewhere else call nick 01793-530541 to discuss an inexpensive care program or a one off deep clean.

Nick Chitty Hearing Care
Groundwell Road Dental Practice
50 Groundwell Road
SN1 2LU                      bus stop right outside No 17 or 71  Parking


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nick Chitty Hearing Care

Well it had to happen. "The Big I am" has finally put his money where his mouth is and started his own Hearing center. Having worked for large conglomerate hearing companies only interested in units and sales.
Nick decided to follow his passion for helping the hearing impaired. Its interesting to note that when Nick won the first of his 3 prestigious awards for patient after care. The large chain he worked for didn't even recognize this achievement. Why because it had no financial impact for them.
  So on a quest for Patient first Nick was offered rooms at the Groundwell Road Dental Practice.
3 Trips to the dump latter

Floor Rebuilt and Skimmed. doors/draws replaced
This was a challenge from the word go as the room had not been used for 10 years. And it was obvious it was going to need more than a lick of paint to for fill Nicks  dream.
Computer interfaced Audiometry
Lighting by Stuart Adams
 So with few more bits and pieces in the audio department coming Nick Chitty Hearing Care
is up and running

For Appointments Call 01793-530541