Monday, November 26, 2012

A Hearing Aid That Thinks For Itself Resound Verso

This lady patient has been wearing her New Resound Verso hearing aids for just over week. As is customary at Nick Chitty Hearing Care we  monitor our patients quite closely after a first fit, and this allows Nick to download information from the hearing system about the hearing environments and situations the patient has been in (It does not record peoples voices). This allows us the opportunity to tailor fit the hearing system to your life style.
Data Logging of  Environments in Just 1 Week
We can see at this early stage that this lady has been in a wide number of environments, but due to the great British weather it has has been mainly quiet scenarios with some television watching involved.  Where is the "thinking bit" I hear you ask? Well the Resound Verso has two microphones in each hearing aid to pick up sound - great when its quiet, but not when you're in a noisy restaurant or a pub....this is where the magic happens. Its called 'binaurel fusion' and the next picture shows how the hearing aids have adapted to the patients sound environment

This diagram shows how the hearing aid has adapted the microphone settings in different situations. Can you see how  the bottom left hand corner image shows all microphones running 78% of the time? The top left/right and bottom right diagrams show the hearing aids have spoken to each other and changed  how they focus into important sounds in front of the patient. The patient is over the moon with the sound quality, and with seamless transition she does not notice any change to her hearing ability when the microphones change.

If you would like a Free demonstration of how this technology works. Call Nick today

50Groundwell Road

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