Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Struggling to hear the television

Do people complain you have the TV to loud!!. Or do you sit there wishing the volume was louder. Do you dread watching a film with background noise. Don't worry help is at hand at Nick Chitty Hearing Care  Swindon

Watch TV without losing the sense of what's going on around you

Just like everyone else, you can now enjoy strong, clear TV sound and, at the same time, take part in conversations and keep track of the sounds around you.

The ReSound Unite TV Streamer sends clear stereo sound from your TV, computer, stereo and other audio devices directly and wirelessly to your hearing aids. You don't have to wear anything extra. No cables or wires are

Clear sound, direct connection

  • Clear stereo sound sent directly to your hearing aids 
  • Keep track of other sounds around you
  • No extra device to wear around your neck
  • If you're out of range for max. 5 minutes, it reconnects automatically
 If you like a Free demonstration of this stereo surround system call
 Nick and experience the sound quality yourself 
  01793-530541           07557-053157

Nick Chitty Hearing Care 
Swindon Hearing Centre
50 Groundwell Road
Sn1 2lu

Monday, January 7, 2013

Ear Wax Removal

As a health care professional I am often asked this question
           "Nick if i don't use cotton buds how do I clean my ears"
The answer is easy if you understand the basic bio mechanics of what happens in your ear canal.
Why do we produce ear wax 
1  For Cleaning
2  For Lubrication
3  It's  Antibacterial
                       The skin in you ear canal is like a conveyor belt it is always moving to the outside of your ear. The idea being that any debris.dirty,dry skin,hair will stick to the wax and slowly be removed

                           Ear wax has many moisturising  qualities to help your ear canal stay in tip top condition
If you keep removing it you will just produce more. and more !

                                  Because ear wax is slightly acidic and is made up of fatty acids this help resist certain bacteria and fungal growths.

So there you have it mother nature has given us a simple device to transmit sound down. That if left alone in most people will self clean. So the next time you notice some ear wax at the opening of you ear canal. Don't go diving in with a cotton bud to remove it. The wax has been on a 9-12 month journey just remove with a soft tissue or warm flannel wrapped over your little finger 
If you are concearned about wax build up call Nick at his dedicated
Hearing Centre for a 
                                    Free consultation 
                          01793-530541         07557053157

Nick Chitty Hearing Care
50 Groundwell Road