So last patient seen I dashed home to finish packing the motor home. I took some time over storage of gliders and then loaded another pilots kit. I was ready for the off. So with an emotional fare well to my wife Val i clambered aboard "Sammy Swift" the motor home and headed of to pick my friend and timer Lorry green. I had not got more than 2 miles down the road when the alternator warning light came on. EEeeeeekkkk Blind panic came over me as to the enormity of what would happen if I couldn't get to Denmark. As I drove home it crossed my mind that I had just had the camper serviced and a new Alternator belt fitted not more than a week ago. A quick inspection showed the new belt in-tacked but scrambling underneath with the van jacked up reveled a plug pulled off the alternator. Van fixed and back on the road in 20 mins.
We drove to Harwich Tuesday night, camped over and got the morning ferry to the Hook of Holland. the sea was like a mill pond and the ferry was half empty which was nice. Then started the long long drive to Herning in Denmark.
Sammy Swift ready at the ferry port |
Interesting but not as comfortable as Sammy Swift |
I have to say they do know how to look after drivers in Europe.Plenty of places to stop and eat and to sleep over at no charge. Why cant we do that in the UK. Driving from 2pm till 11.30pm uneventfuly through Holland-Germany. pulling up just short of denmark knowing we would have a short 3 drive in the morning.
I am picking 2 pairs up on the way back
We arrived at the airfield 11.30am Thursday morning. The set up is brilliant.WiFi - Electric hook up. toilets. Showers, and even a trailer with washing machine.Oven.cooker . And fridge freezer. Best bit is a chap drives round in a golf trolley selling chilled beer. Tomorrow I will unpack the gliders and start some practice.
Cheers Nick